This is actually due to an issue in the installer. For cases when you install Ubuntu without an internet connection, the installer always creates a directory in /usr/share/locale-langpack for the selected language, so you get prompted in the session to install the complete language support.
The problem is that a directory is also created in /usr/share/locale-langpack for the locale which denotes regional formats. So when the selected time zone location results in some other initial locale for regional formats than the locale for the selected language, a redundant directory is created - in your case /usr/share/locale-langpack/tr . IMO the installer should be changed to not create that directory.
@Usama: To fix it for yourself, and get rid of the 'semi-installed' language, you can delete the /usr/share/locale-langpack/tr directory. Alternatively you can accept to install the missing language support. Then it should be marked as installed in the Language Support tool, and you can delete it the normal way if you like.
Thanks for your report.
This is actually due to an issue in the installer. For cases when you install Ubuntu without an internet connection, the installer always creates a directory in /usr/share/ locale- langpack for the selected language, so you get prompted in the session to install the complete language support.
The problem is that a directory is also created in /usr/share/ locale- langpack for the locale which denotes regional formats. So when the selected time zone location results in some other initial locale for regional formats than the locale for the selected language, a redundant directory is created - in your case /usr/share/ locale- langpack/ tr . IMO the installer should be changed to not create that directory.
@Usama: To fix it for yourself, and get rid of the 'semi-installed' language, you can delete the /usr/share/ locale- langpack/ tr directory. Alternatively you can accept to install the missing language support. Then it should be marked as installed in the Language Support tool, and you can delete it the normal way if you like.