Comment 14 for bug 1066225

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package ubiquity - 2.13.8

ubiquity (2.13.8) raring; urgency=low

  [ Colin Watson ]
  * Honour base-installer/kernel/altmeta when deciding which kernels to
    install or keep installed.

  [ Dmitrijs Ledkovs ]
  * Moving question dialog to use a glade ui file, made it non
    "re-entrant" safe, i.e. it started to remember previous action area
    buttons. The fix is to clear action area, all other parts of the
    dialog are always reset with something fresh. (LP: #1087823)
  * ubiquity-dm: compiz actually doesn't have bg-image.
  * ubi-partman: Do not allow to select encryption without lvm
    (LP: #1093957).
  * Automatic update of included source packages: debian-installer-utils
    1.94ubuntu1, flash-kernel 3.0~rc.4ubuntu29, localechooser
    2.49ubuntu1, netcfg 1.68ubuntu17, partman-auto 105ubuntu2, partman-
    auto-lvm 46ubuntu2, partman-base 163ubuntu1, partman-ext3 74ubuntu1,
    partman-jfs 38, partman-partitioning 89ubuntu1, partman-target
    80ubuntu1, preseed 1.57ubuntu2, user-setup 1.47ubuntu1.

  [ Scott Kitterman ]
  * Change encrypt home question to checkbox and indent it under the login
    option to make it clear it is a sub question to the login option
    (LP: #1066225)

  [ Jesse Sung ]
  * Fix multiple issues with Back/Stop and Continue/Connect buttons on
    wireless page (LP: #883615).
 -- Dmitrijs Ledkovs <email address hidden> Wed, 09 Jan 2013 15:40:19 +0000