I had a similar problem this afternoon. tracker was using up between 40-48% of the cpu power, and was slowly the system down very visibly. After adjusting tracker-settings for lower cpu usage, the problem seemed to be alleviated. A check at the tracker log showed showed a huge stream of errors for a several minute period, caused by files / directories in my home directory that were owned by root, e.g.
"31 Oct 2007, 12:57:48:541 - ERROR: Inotify watch on /home/hughitt1/reconstructor_i386/root/usr/share/pixmaps/amsn has failed"
I had a similar problem this afternoon. tracker was using up between 40-48% of the cpu power, and was slowly the system down very visibly. After adjusting tracker-settings for lower cpu usage, the problem seemed to be alleviated. A check at the tracker log showed showed a huge stream of errors for a several minute period, caused by files / directories in my home directory that were owned by root, e.g. reconstructor_ i386/root/ usr/share/ pixmaps/ amsn has failed"
"31 Oct 2007, 12:57:48:541 - ERROR: Inotify watch on /home/hughitt1/
Hope this help.
Take care,