Comment 2 for bug 130935

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Jamie Lokier (jamie-shareable) wrote :

My laptop has been running trackerd for the last 4 days or so. I still hasn't stopped indexing.

Core Duo 2GHz, 1GB RAM, 72GB home directory being indexed.

But it has filled up my disk during the last day. I have a 72GB home directory, of which 3.1GB is tracker's incomplete index of it, and is therefore full. To let it get this far I deleted a few of my video files. Of course, each time I delete some files, trackerd takes up some more space and fills the disk again...

Because there's no indication of progress, I don't have any idea how much space it will need in total for the index. Is it 10% on top of my data requirements? 25%? Do I need to free up many more gigabytes? Do I need to buy a bigger disk?

I only know that whenever I free up some space, it gets used up quickly by trackerd. Eventually I have other things to do than looking for large files to delete.

That means I have no way to decide if trackerd is worth having, or if it will use too much space for its index and I should delete it.

Now I'm thinking, apart from the way it makes the desktop unusably slow (presumably this will be fixed eventually), and the battery use, and the need to re-scan my home directory (for hours) each time I reboot, now I'm thinking it also uses more disk space than I'm willing to spend on it.