Coty, the patch looks good to me, can you please add the following chars to the list of allowed characters ?
'\"' (double quote) '#' (sharp) '<' (left angle bracket) '>' (right angle bracket) '\\' (backslash) '^' (accent) '`' (accent)
I think in some case I would need the "space" too, but Mark remarked that is would be very dangerous
Coty, the patch looks good to me, can you please add the following chars to the list of allowed characters ?
'\"' (double quote)
'#' (sharp)
'<' (left angle bracket)
'>' (right angle bracket)
'\\' (backslash)
'^' (accent)
'`' (accent)
I think in some case I would need the "space" too, but Mark remarked that is would be very dangerous