Re Marco & Richard's difficulties above, I believe the answer to Gmail's trash/bin limitation is simply to use T'bird's "archive" feature where you appear to prefer to use T'bird's "delete" feature and reserve the "delete" feature for things you REALLY don't want any more. Should the fact that "delete" REALLY does what it says be considered a bug? With the introduction of T'bird's "archive" feature perhaps this bug should be closed - especially as the bug, if there is a bug, is a bug with Gmail? (See WADA's comments above.)
T'bird's "archive" feature can be set to use Gmail's All Mail - which will persist ad infinitum.
Re Marco & Richard's difficulties above, I believe the answer to Gmail's trash/bin limitation is simply to use T'bird's "archive" feature where you appear to prefer to use T'bird's "delete" feature and reserve the "delete" feature for things you REALLY don't want any more. Should the fact that "delete" REALLY does what it says be considered a bug? With the introduction of T'bird's "archive" feature perhaps this bug should be closed - especially as the bug, if there is a bug, is a bug with Gmail? (See WADA's comments above.)
T'bird's "archive" feature can be set to use Gmail's All Mail - which will persist ad infinitum.