Comment 24 for bug 899624

Revision history for this message
Gustavo Neves (guneves) wrote :

I can confirm the fix still works, at least on Mint 17.3 Rosa XFCE 32-bit. I made some little converters actions that NEED to be used in network shares (and the desktop) and then I realised it would not work there.

Steps for people like me that would waste hours on this:
01. Enable source-code downloads on apt-sources (can be via gui)
02. sudo apt-get update
03. sudo build-deps thunar
04. mkdir $HOME/src && cd $HOME/src
05. apt-get source thunar
06. cd thunar-1.6.10
07. wget -O patch3482.patch
08. try the patch: patch --dry-run -p1 < patch3482.patch
09. if no errors, run for real!
10. patch --dry-run -p1 < patch3482.patch &>/dev/null && patch -p1 < patch3482.patch || echo "Failed"
11. The usual way would be: ./configure + make + make install, but we know better, right?
12. Create deb packages: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
13. If all went fone you will have 4 new .deb packages in $HOME/src (1 level above, cd ..)
14. I just double-clicked the file libthunarx-2-0_1.6.10-1~14.04_i386.deb and chose REINSTALL
15. Reboot (NEEDED) and it works
16. No need to reinstall the other packages

I created this on a virtual machine and deployed the .deb in 2 real machines with success. All of them Mint 17 Rosa XFCE 32-bit. If I can I will try to generate 64bit and Ubuntu debs as well, but someone else could use the setps above to do that.

I am attaching my .deb file here. But AGAIN: this is for Mint 17.3 Rosa XFCE 32-bit! Not sure it would work anywhere else and breaking thunar would be bad! In theory, should be fine for Ubuntu 14.04.5 (Trusty Tahr), BUT I HAVEN'T TESTED!

Main reason I am doing this is because this has been pending for years.