> I wouldn't say that powerdot is that important ...
Not for me, but I know it as alternative to the beamer class for quick development of slides without pgf, using pstricks, as successor of prosper, HA-prosper. I prefer beamer but i wouldnt consider powerdot as really unimportant.
> That is too late, TL2008 has been release already
I know that it's been released, but is it too late to adjust the dependencies in Ubuntu Linux? I don't mean to change powerdot, just to reconsider dependencies. On one side enumitem is recommendable, on the other side, if powerdot is considered as not so important, it could be moved from texlive-latex-recommended to texlive-latex-extra like enumitem.
> I wouldn't say that powerdot is that important ...
Not for me, but I know it as alternative to the beamer class for quick development of slides without pgf, using pstricks, as successor of prosper, HA-prosper. I prefer beamer but i wouldnt consider powerdot as really unimportant.
> That is too late, TL2008 has been release already latex-recommend ed to texlive-latex-extra like enumitem.
I know that it's been released, but is it too late to adjust the dependencies in Ubuntu Linux? I don't mean to change powerdot, just to reconsider dependencies. On one side enumitem is recommendable, on the other side, if powerdot is considered as not so important, it could be moved from texlive-