I can confirm this bug also for "texlive-lang-spanish" in Ubuntu 8.10 texlive-base: 2007.dfsg.1-2 texlive-lang-spanish: 2007.dfsg.3-2
The relevant part of /etc/texmf/language.d/10texlive-lang-spanish.cnf spanish xu-eshyph.tex =espanol catalan cahyph.tex galician xu-glhyph.tex
Can anyone give us an update? What's going on with this problem? Is there a workaround to manually set the hyphenation patterns?
I can confirm this bug also for "texlive- lang-spanish" in Ubuntu 8.10 lang-spanish: 2007.dfsg.3-2
texlive-base: 2007.dfsg.1-2
The relevant part of /etc/texmf/ language. d/10texlive- lang-spanish. cnf
spanish xu-eshyph.tex
catalan cahyph.tex
galician xu-glhyph.tex
Can anyone give us an update? What's going on with this problem?
Is there a workaround to manually set the hyphenation patterns?