Comment 29 for bug 1892358

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Kelsey Steele (kelsey-steele) wrote :

Thank you @christian. I marked the Xenial test cases under this same bug, though can open a new bug and update the hint bug references if needed. I'll check back to see when/if ddstreet/rbalint have a chance to review.

For the test results you're posting, I was wondering where you're getting those results from and an explanation of the results?

    boot-and-services (F 45% f 0% S 0% B 5% => P 50%/) .FFFFFF...BFF.....F.
    boot-smoke (F 80% f 0% S 0% B 5% => P 15%/) FFFFF.FF..BFFFFFFFFF
    systemd-fsckd (F 65% f 0% S 0% B 5% => P 30%/) FF.FFF.F..B.FF.FFFFF
    no failures
    no failures

In the above, what does the F, f, B, & . stand for? Am I correct to assume the P *% is the pass rate? F for fail?

Thank you!