This is a serious regression with systemd-networkd that I ran in to while setting up a NAT router in AWS. The AWS AMI ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-20200131 with systemd-237-3ubuntu10.33 does NOT have the problem, but the next most recent AWS AMI ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-20200311 with systemd-including 237-3ubuntu10.39 does.
Also, a system booted from the (good) 20200131 AMI starts showing the problem after updating only systemd (to 237-3ubuntu10.41) and its direct dependencies (e.g. 'apt-get install systemd'). So I'm fairly confident that a change to the systemd package between 237-3ubuntu10.33 and 237-3ubuntu10.39 introduced the problem and it is still present.
On the NAT router I use three interfaces and have separate routing tables for admin and forwarded traffic. Things come up fine initially but every 30-60 minutes (DHCP lease renewal time?) one or more interfaces is reconfigured and most of the time systemd-networkd will crash and need to be restarted. Eventually the system becomes unreachable when the default crash loop backoff logic prevents the network service from being restarted at all. The log excerpt attached illustrates the crash loop.
Also including the netplan and networkd config files below.
# grep . /etc/netplan/*
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml:# This file is generated from information provided by the datasource. Changes
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml:# to it will not persist across an instance reboot. To disable cloud-init's
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml:# network configuration capabilities, write a file
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml:# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml:# network: {config: disabled}
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml: version: 2
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml: ethernets:
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml: ens5:
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml: dhcp4: true
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml: match:
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml: macaddress: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml: set-name: ens5
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: version: 2
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: renderer: networkd
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: ethernets:
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: ens6:
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: match:
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: macaddress: yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: dhcp4: true
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: dhcp4-overrides:
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: use-routes: false
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: ens7:
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: match:
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: macaddress: zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: mtu: 1500
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: dhcp4: true
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: dhcp4-overrides:
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: use-mtu: false
/etc/netplan/99_config.yaml: use-routes: false
# grep . /etc/networkd-dispatcher/*/*|sed -e "s/domo-nat/nat/g"
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat:# Do additional configuration for the inside and outside interfaces
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat:# route table used for forwarded/routed/natted traffic
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat:if [ "${IFACE}" = "ens6" ]; then
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # delete link-local route for inside in default table
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip route delete 2>/dev/null || true
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # add link-local route for inside in table 99
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip route replace dev ens6 scope link src table ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # add routes to VPC cidrs via inside gateway in table 99
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip route replace via table ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # add rules to use table 99
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add iif ens6 lookup ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add oif ens6 lookup ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add from lookup ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat:elif [ "${IFACE}" = "ens7" ]; then
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # delete link-local route for outside in default table
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip route delete 2>/dev/null || true
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # add link-local route for outside in table 99
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip route replace dev ens7 scope link src table ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # add default route via outside gateway in table 99
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip route replace default via table ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # add rules to use table 99
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add iif ens7 lookup ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add oif ens7 lookup ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add from lookup ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # add rules to use the inet route for local traffic but only if it's not destined for an RFC1918 private range
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # IMPORTANT: order matters; the priority of rules is reverse of the order in which they are added.
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # so the default/fallback is added first and then the local overrides.
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: #/sbin/ip rule add iif lo lookup ${FWD_TABLE}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: #ip rule add to iif lo lookup main
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: #ip rule add to iif lo lookup main
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: #ip rule add to iif lo lookup main
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # ensure the forward policy is accept
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # configure iptables to do NAT
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: /sbin/iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -o ens7 -j SNAT --to-source
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: # clean up any other rules
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configured.d/nat: while /sbin/iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING 2 2>/dev/null; do :; done
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat:# Tear down existing ip rules so they aren't duplicated
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat:if [ "${IFACE}" = "ens6" ]; then
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: # flush any existing rules referenceing this interface
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: OLDIFS="${IFS}"
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: IFS="
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: for rule in `ip rule show|egrep "ens6|" | cut -d: -f2-`; do
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: IFS="${OLDIFS}"
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: ip rule delete ${rule}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: done
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: IFS="${OLDIFS}"
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat:elif [ "${IFACE}" = "ens7" ]; then
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: # flush any existing rules referencing this interface
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: OLDIFS="${IFS}"
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: IFS="
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: for rule in `ip rule show|egrep "ens7||iif lo" | cut -d: -f2-`; do
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: IFS="${OLDIFS}"
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: ip rule delete ${rule}
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: done
/etc/networkd-dispatcher/configuring.d/nat: IFS="${OLDIFS}"
This is a serious regression with systemd-networkd that I ran in to while setting up a NAT router in AWS. The AWS AMI ubuntu/ images/ hvm-ssd/ ubuntu- bionic- 18.04-amd64- server- 20200131 with systemd- 237-3ubuntu10. 33 does NOT have the problem, but the next most recent AWS AMI ubuntu/ images/ hvm-ssd/ ubuntu- bionic- 18.04-amd64- server- 20200311 with systemd-including 237-3ubuntu10.39 does.
Also, a system booted from the (good) 20200131 AMI starts showing the problem after updating only systemd (to 237-3ubuntu10.41) and its direct dependencies (e.g. 'apt-get install systemd'). So I'm fairly confident that a change to the systemd package between 237-3ubuntu10.33 and 237-3ubuntu10.39 introduced the problem and it is still present.
On the NAT router I use three interfaces and have separate routing tables for admin and forwarded traffic. Things come up fine initially but every 30-60 minutes (DHCP lease renewal time?) one or more interfaces is reconfigured and most of the time systemd-networkd will crash and need to be restarted. Eventually the system becomes unreachable when the default crash loop backoff logic prevents the network service from being restarted at all. The log excerpt attached illustrates the crash loop.
Also including the netplan and networkd config files below.
# grep . /etc/netplan/* 50-cloud- init.yaml: # This file is generated from information provided by the datasource. Changes 50-cloud- init.yaml: # to it will not persist across an instance reboot. To disable cloud-init's 50-cloud- init.yaml: # network configuration capabilities, write a file 50-cloud- init.yaml: # /etc/cloud/ cloud.cfg. d/99-disable- network- config. cfg with the following: 50-cloud- init.yaml: # network: {config: disabled} 50-cloud- init.yaml: network: 50-cloud- init.yaml: version: 2 50-cloud- init.yaml: ethernets: 50-cloud- init.yaml: ens5: 50-cloud- init.yaml: dhcp4: true 50-cloud- init.yaml: match: 50-cloud- init.yaml: macaddress: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 50-cloud- init.yaml: set-name: ens5 99_config. yaml:network: 99_config. yaml: version: 2 99_config. yaml: renderer: networkd 99_config. yaml: ethernets: 99_config. yaml: ens6: 99_config. yaml: match: 99_config. yaml: macaddress: yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy 99_config. yaml: dhcp4: true 99_config. yaml: dhcp4-overrides: 99_config. yaml: use-routes: false 99_config. yaml: ens7: 99_config. yaml: match: 99_config. yaml: macaddress: zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz 99_config. yaml: mtu: 1500 99_config. yaml: dhcp4: true 99_config. yaml: dhcp4-overrides: 99_config. yaml: use-mtu: false 99_config. yaml: use-routes: false
# grep . /etc/networkd- dispatcher/ */*|sed -e "s/domo-nat/nat/g" dispatcher/ configured. d/nat:# !/bin/bash dispatcher/ configured. d/nat:# Do additional configuration for the inside and outside interfaces dispatcher/ configured. d/nat:# route table used for forwarded/ routed/ natted traffic dispatcher/ configured. d/nat:FWD_ TABLE=99 dispatcher/ configured. d/nat:if [ "${IFACE}" = "ens6" ]; then dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # delete link-local route for inside in default table dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip route delete 2>/dev/null || true dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # add link-local route for inside in table 99 dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip route replace dev ens6 scope link src table ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # add routes to VPC cidrs via inside gateway in table 99 dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip route replace via table ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # add rules to use table 99 dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add iif ens6 lookup ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add oif ens6 lookup ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add from lookup ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat:elif [ "${IFACE}" = "ens7" ]; then dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # delete link-local route for outside in default table dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip route delete 2>/dev/null || true dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # add link-local route for outside in table 99 dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip route replace dev ens7 scope link src table ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # add default route via outside gateway in table 99 dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip route replace default via table ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # add rules to use table 99 dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add iif ens7 lookup ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add oif ens7 lookup ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/ip rule add from lookup ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # add rules to use the inet route for local traffic but only if it's not destined for an RFC1918 private range dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # IMPORTANT: order matters; the priority of rules is reverse of the order in which they are added. dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # so the default/fallback is added first and then the local overrides. dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: #/sbin/ip rule add iif lo lookup ${FWD_TABLE} dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: #ip rule add to iif lo lookup main dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: #ip rule add to iif lo lookup main dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: #ip rule add to iif lo lookup main dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # ensure the forward policy is accept dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # configure iptables to do NAT dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: /sbin/iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -o ens7 -j SNAT --to-source dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: # clean up any other rules dispatcher/ configured. d/nat: while /sbin/iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING 2 2>/dev/null; do :; done dispatcher/ configured. d/nat:fi dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat:# !/bin/bash dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat:# Tear down existing ip rules so they aren't duplicated dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat:if [ "${IFACE}" = "ens6" ]; then dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: # flush any existing rules referenceing this interface dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: OLDIFS="${IFS}" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: IFS=" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat:" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: for rule in `ip rule show|egrep "ens6|" | cut -d: -f2-`; do dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: IFS="${OLDIFS}" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: ip rule delete ${rule} dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: done dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: IFS="${OLDIFS}" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat:elif [ "${IFACE}" = "ens7" ]; then dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: # flush any existing rules referencing this interface dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: OLDIFS="${IFS}" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: IFS=" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat:" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: for rule in `ip rule show|egrep "ens7|10. 0.2.245| iif lo" | cut -d: -f2-`; do dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: IFS="${OLDIFS}" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: ip rule delete ${rule} dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: done dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat: IFS="${OLDIFS}" dispatcher/ configuring. d/nat:fi
ProblemType: Bug ature: Ubuntu 4.15.0-1060.62-aws 4.15.18 e906fc Zone: us-east-1b 256color /boot/vmlinuz- 4.15.0- 1060-aws root=LABEL= cloudimg- rootfs ro console=tty1 console=ttyS0 nvme_core. io_timeout= 4294967295 asset.tag: i-0c058310742990713 asset.tag: Amazon EC2 2:bvr1. 0:bd10/ 16/2017: svnAmazonEC2: pnc5n.large: pvr:rvnAmazonEC 2:rn:rvr: cvnAmazonEC2: ct1:cvr:
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 18.04
Package: systemd 237-3ubuntu10.39
Uname: Linux 4.15.0-1060-aws x86_64
ApportVersion: 2.20.9-0ubuntu7.11
Architecture: amd64
Date: Wed Jun 3 21:24:28 2020
Ec2AMI: ami-0238c6e72a7
Ec2AMIManifest: (unknown)
Ec2InstanceType: c5n.large
Ec2Kernel: unavailable
Ec2Ramdisk: unavailable
Lsusb: Error: command ['lsusb'] failed with exit code 1:
MachineType: Amazon EC2 c5n.large
PATH=(custom, no user)
ProcKernelCmdLine: BOOT_IMAGE=
SourcePackage: systemd
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install) 10/16/2017
dmi.bios.vendor: Amazon EC2
dmi.bios.version: 1.0
dmi.board.vendor: Amazon EC2
dmi.chassis.type: 1
dmi.chassis.vendor: Amazon EC2
dmi.modalias: dmi:bvnAmazonEC c5n.large
dmi.sys.vendor: Amazon EC2