This is the command line I'm using for test iteration. It's not that simple, so I want to keep it here in case I ever need it again.
This builds systemd from git, copies it into a "test" container, starts it, runs the bind mount/umount, and shows the debug log:
schroot -r -c session:schroot-wily-systemd -- make -j4 && sudo rm -f /srv/lxc/test/rootfs/lib/systemd/systemd && sudo cp systemd /srv/lxc/test/rootfs/lib/systemd/systemd && clear && sudo lxc-start -n test && sleep 3 && sudo lxc-attach -n test -- sh -c 'systemctl show -p Id,ActiveState,SubState,BindsTo,BoundBy dev-sda3.device etc-schroot.mount; systemd-analyze set-log-level debug; mkdir /tmp/etc /tmp/boot; mount -o bind /etc /tmp/etc; mount -o bind /boot /tmp/boot; sleep 0.5; echo "---- unmounting /tmp/etc ----"; umount /tmp/etc; sleep 0.5; systemctl show -p Id,ActiveState,SubState,BindsTo,BoundBy dev-sda3.device etc-schroot.mount tmp-boot.mount; systemd-analyze set-log-level info; mount | egrep "/tmp/|/etc"; journalctl -b | grep -A10000 "Reached target Graphical"; poweroff'
This is the command line I'm using for test iteration. It's not that simple, so I want to keep it here in case I ever need it again.
This builds systemd from git, copies it into a "test" container, starts it, runs the bind mount/umount, and shows the debug log:
schroot -r -c session: schroot- wily-systemd -- make -j4 && sudo rm -f /srv/lxc/ test/rootfs/ lib/systemd/ systemd && sudo cp systemd /srv/lxc/ test/rootfs/ lib/systemd/ systemd && clear && sudo lxc-start -n test && sleep 3 && sudo lxc-attach -n test -- sh -c 'systemctl show -p Id,ActiveState, SubState, BindsTo, BoundBy dev-sda3.device etc-schroot.mount; systemd-analyze set-log-level debug; mkdir /tmp/etc /tmp/boot; mount -o bind /etc /tmp/etc; mount -o bind /boot /tmp/boot; sleep 0.5; echo "---- unmounting /tmp/etc ----"; umount /tmp/etc; sleep 0.5; systemctl show -p Id,ActiveState, SubState, BindsTo, BoundBy dev-sda3.device etc-schroot.mount tmp-boot.mount; systemd-analyze set-log-level info; mount | egrep "/tmp/|/etc"; journalctl -b | grep -A10000 "Reached target Graphical"; poweroff'