if pidof systemd-logind >/dev/null; then
exit 0
together with this line:
PMS="$PMS unity-settings-daemon"
are preventing me from using the power button to immediatly shutdown Ubuntu without any confirmation. In my case I want to be able to shut down an Ubuntu VM through acpi from virsh.
With the current powerbtn.sh the following configuration lines this won't have much effect :-(
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power button-power 'shutdown'
gsettings set org.gnome.SessionManager logout-prompt false
gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session suppress-logout-restart-shutdown true
this patch:
if pidof systemd-logind >/dev/null; then
exit 0
together with this line: daemon"
PMS="$PMS unity-settings-
are preventing me from using the power button to immediatly shutdown Ubuntu without any confirmation. In my case I want to be able to shut down an Ubuntu VM through acpi from virsh.
With the current powerbtn.sh the following configuration lines this won't have much effect :-(
gsettings set org.gnome. settings- daemon. plugins. power button-power 'shutdown' SessionManager logout-prompt false indicator. session suppress- logout- restart- shutdown true
gsettings set org.gnome.
gsettings set com.canonical.