Comment 4 for bug 231890

Revision history for this message
Martin Olsson (mnemo) wrote :

Please obtain a stacktrace for this segv. You can do that by:

1. create a new folder
2. use "apt-get source synergy" to get the code
3. move into the synergy dir and type this command to rebuild the code with full debug symbols and no optimizations:

DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="noopt nostrip" fakeroot debian/rules binary

4. then do "cd .."
5. and finally "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" to install the new version
6. now for example the synergy client under valgrind like this:

valgrind synergyc --no-daemon your_server_hostname

Hopefully you will see the stacktrace printed there with symbols and stuff... please paste it into this bug report.