Confirming that in Hardy (kubuntu, kde 3.5.9)
using Sun's JRE 1.6.0_06 downloaded from the repositories
and running as usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java
that attempting to print from:
. jedit causes: java.lang.NullPointerException: null attribute
at sun.print.IPPPrintService.isAttributeValueSupported(
. PDFStudio causes the cleaner:
error printing document
null attribute
Confirming that in Hardy (kubuntu, kde 3.5.9) jvm/java- 6-sun/jre/ bin/java
java.lang. NullPointerExce ption: null attribute IPPPrintService .isAttributeVal ueSupported( IPPPrintService .java:1147)
using Sun's JRE 1.6.0_06 downloaded from the repositories
and running as usr/lib/
that attempting to print from:
. jedit causes:
at sun.print.
. PDFStudio causes the cleaner:
error printing document
null attribute