Have this issue on Lucid 10.04 too (without KDE or GNOME installed, only dependencies like libraries/utils, i.e. gnome-keyring)
$ svn log -rhead Passwort für GNOME-Schlüsselring »(null)«:
solved by rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring (although it didn't ask for 'login' explicitly ...)
Have this issue on Lucid 10.04 too
(without KDE or GNOME installed, only dependencies like libraries/utils, i.e. gnome-keyring)
$ svn log -rhead
Passwort für GNOME-Schlüsselring »(null)«:
solved by rm ~/.gnome2/ keyrings/ login.keyring
(although it didn't ask for 'login' explicitly ...)