And I get the error in the logs about the missing gpo file:
* (2022-07-02 0:21:26): [gpo_child[4606]] [copy_smb_file_to_gpo_cache] (0x0400): [RID#7] smb_uri: smb://sambadc.test.lan/sysvol/test.lan/Policies/{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}/MACHINE/Microsoft/Windows NT/SecEdit/GptTmpl.inf
* (2022-07-02 0:21:26): [gpo_child[4606]] [copy_smb_file_to_gpo_cache] (0x0020): [RID#7] smbc_getFunctionOpen failed [2][No such file or directory]
I then update sssd to the version in proposed:
root@j-client-1934997:~# apt-cache policy sssd
Installed: 2.6.3-1ubuntu3.1
Candidate: 2.6.3-1ubuntu3.1
Version table:
*** 2.6.3-1ubuntu3.1 500
500 jammy-proposed/main amd64 Packages
Remove the "ad_gpo_access_control = permissive" config which allowed it to work, restart sssd.
Attempt the login again. This time the login works, and the logs stay silent:
root@j-client-1934997:~# login <email address hidden>
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-39-generic x86_64)
Last login: Sat Jul 2 00:23:05 UTC 2022 on pts/3
<email address hidden>@j-client-1934997:~$
Jammy verification
root@j- client- 1934997: ~# apt-cache policy sssd archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy/main amd64 Packages
Installed: 2.6.3-1ubuntu3
Candidate: 2.6.3-1ubuntu3
Version table:
*** 2.6.3-1ubuntu3 500
500 http://
With the packages from jammy, the login fails with a system error:
root@j- client- 1934997: ~# login <email address hidden>
System error
And I get the error in the logs about the missing gpo file: file_to_ gpo_cache] (0x0400): [RID#7] smb_uri: smb://sambadc. test.lan/ sysvol/ test.lan/ Policies/ {31B2F340- 016D-11D2- 945F-00C04FB984 F9}/MACHINE/ Microsoft/ Windows NT/SecEdit/ GptTmpl. inf file_to_ gpo_cache] (0x0020): [RID#7] smbc_getFunctio nOpen failed [2][No such file or directory]
* (2022-07-02 0:21:26): [gpo_child[4606]] [copy_smb_
* (2022-07-02 0:21:26): [gpo_child[4606]] [copy_smb_
root@j- client- 1934997: ~# login <email address hidden> @j-client- 1934997: ~$
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-39-generic x86_64)
<email address hidden>
I then update sssd to the version in proposed: client- 1934997: ~# apt-cache policy sssd archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-proposed/main amd64 Packages
Installed: 2.6.3-1ubuntu3.1
Candidate: 2.6.3-1ubuntu3.1
Version table:
*** 2.6.3-1ubuntu3.1 500
500 http://
Remove the "ad_gpo_ access_ control = permissive" config which allowed it to work, restart sssd.
Attempt the login again. This time the login works, and the logs stay silent: client- 1934997: ~# login <email address hidden> @j-client- 1934997: ~$
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-39-generic x86_64)
Last login: Sat Jul 2 00:23:05 UTC 2022 on pts/3
<email address hidden>
jammy verification succeeded.