Comment 15 for bug 1921494

Revision history for this message
Matthew Ruffell (mruffell) wrote :

Hi Rex, Snakekick,

Thanks for testing that previous test package, it was actually very interesting to hear that it didn't work, and it came as a real surprise.

I have been working with Sergio on reproducing this locally, and as you can see, we haven't been able to reproduce just yet.

Along with answering Sergio's questions, could you also please try the below test package? It is a build of the current upstream sssd master branch, at version 2.6.0 which was released a few days ago.

As I am writing this, the package is pending to be built, so please check that the package has built before you start installing anything.

Please note, these test packages are NOT SUPPORTED by Canonical and are for TEST PURPOSES ONLY. ONLY install in a dedicated test environment.

Now, as this is actually 2.6.0 and not 2.2.3-ubuntu0.7, you may find some major differences, and your configuration files might need changing, please keep it in mind.

Instructions to Install (on Focal):
1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mruffell/lp1921494-test-upstream
2) sudo apt update
3) sudo apt upgrade # or just install the sssd packages, up to you, there may be many of them.
4) sudo apt-cache policy sssd | grep Installed

I just built it for Focal. Please don't install it on any production system, just a VM that you can snapshot and restore ideally.
