sssd is setting SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER to the debug_prg_name internal var, which is set via calls to server_setup(), and in focal (and probably earlier) that's set to a name like "sssd[sudo]". However the syslog MSG section TAG field format requires only alphanumeric characters:
therefore, providing an identifier of "sssd[sudo]" results in the TAG field (indicating the process name) to be "sssd" and "[sudo]" is the start of the CONTENT field. The convention specified in the RFC states that if the CONTENT field starts with "[PID]:" the value contained inside the brackets may be considered the PID, which is exactly what systemd-journald is doing.
So, when SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER is set to "sssd[sudo]" that results in a syslog message TAG section that's parsed as having program name 'sssd' and pid 'sudo'.
This is fixed upstream in sssd with commit 00e7b1ada3d1c1071eac79b65c17cd2701c2ae6a, included in groovy and later.
sssd is setting SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER to the debug_prg_name internal var, which is set via calls to server_setup(), and in focal (and probably earlier) that's set to a name like "sssd[sudo]". However the syslog MSG section TAG field format requires only alphanumeric characters: /tools. html/rfc3164# section- 4.1.3
therefore, providing an identifier of "sssd[sudo]" results in the TAG field (indicating the process name) to be "sssd" and "[sudo]" is the start of the CONTENT field. The convention specified in the RFC states that if the CONTENT field starts with "[PID]:" the value contained inside the brackets may be considered the PID, which is exactly what systemd-journald is doing. /tools. html/rfc3164# section- 5.3
So, when SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER is set to "sssd[sudo]" that results in a syslog message TAG section that's parsed as having program name 'sssd' and pid 'sudo'.
This is fixed upstream in sssd with commit 00e7b1ada3d1c10 71eac79b65c17cd 2701c2ae6a, included in groovy and later.