PPA test packages: ----
Package upgrade happens on kinetic:
# lsb_release -cs kinetic
# add-apt-repository ppa:mfo/sos-upgrade-jkl
# apt-cache madison sosreport sosreport | 4.4-1ubuntu1.22.10.1 | https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/mfo/sos-upgrade-jkl/ubuntu kinetic/main amd64 Packages sosreport | 4.4-1ubuntu0 | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu kinetic/main amd64 Packages
# apt install sosreport ... Setting up sosreport (4.4-1ubuntu1.22.10.1) ... ...
# dpkg -s sosreport | grep Version: Version: 4.4-1ubuntu1.22.10.1
Upgrade release from kinetic to lunar: (hackish for now)
# lsb_release -cs kinetic # sed -i 's/kinetic/lunar/' \ /etc/apt/sources.list \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list # apt update # apt dist-upgrade # reboot # lsb_release -cs lunar
Package upgrade happened on lunar:
# dpkg -s sosreport | grep Version: Version: 4.4-1ubuntu2
PPA test packages:
Package upgrade happens on kinetic:
# lsb_release -cs
# add-apt-repository ppa:mfo/ sos-upgrade- jkl
# apt-cache madison sosreport 22.10.1 | https:/ /ppa.launchpadc ontent. net/mfo/ sos-upgrade- jkl/ubuntu kinetic/main amd64 Packages archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu kinetic/main amd64 Packages
sosreport | 4.4-1ubuntu1.
sosreport | 4.4-1ubuntu0 | http://
# apt install sosreport 22.10.1) ...
Setting up sosreport (4.4-1ubuntu1.
# dpkg -s sosreport | grep Version: 22.10.1
Version: 4.4-1ubuntu1.
Upgrade release from kinetic to lunar:
(hackish for now)
# lsb_release -cs apt/sources. list \ apt/sources. list.d/ *.list
# sed -i 's/kinetic/lunar/' \
# apt update
# apt dist-upgrade
# reboot
# lsb_release -cs
Package upgrade happened on lunar:
# dpkg -s sosreport | grep Version:
Version: 4.4-1ubuntu2