Comment 2 for bug 1910264

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package sosreport - 4.0-1ubuntu5

sosreport (4.0-1ubuntu5) hirsute; urgency=medium

  [Ponnuvel Palaniyappan]
  * d/p/0011-ceph-include-time-sync-status-for-ceph-mon.patch:
    - Ceph mons might get into time sync problems if ntp/chrony
      isn't installed or configured correctly. Since Luminous
      release, upstream support 'time-sync-status' to detect this
      more easily. (LP: #1910264)

 -- Eric Desrochers <email address hidden> Tue, 05 Jan 2021 11:18:38 -0500