[ Brian Murray ]
* when adding new repositories use sourceslist.add instead of append thereby
preventing duplicate entires. Thanks to Nick Russo for the patch.
LP: #854841
[ Robert Roth ]
* Updated expand properties to properly expand the bottom component to avoid
putting empty space between components. LP: #912557
* Added symbolic link for add-apt-repository manpage under the
apt-add-repository name, LP: #620098
* Changed Revert button mnemonic to avoid collision with Remove, LP: #652523
* Handle URLError from ppa pages, instruct the user to check the internet
connection (LP: #502698)
[ Marc Deslauriers ]
* SECURITY UPDATE: incorrect ssl certificate validation (LP: #915210)
- softwareproperties/ppa.py: use pycurl to download the signing key
- tests/test_lp.py: add test.
- debian/control: add python-pycurl dependency.
- CVE-2011-4407
* Wait for PPA GPG key to get imported before ending thread (LP: #888417)
-- Marc Deslauriers <email address hidden> Fri, 03 Feb 2012 08:16:22 -0500
This bug was fixed in the package software-properties - 0.82.3
software-properties (0.82.3) precise; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* when adding new repositories use sourceslist.add instead of append thereby
preventing duplicate entires. Thanks to Nick Russo for the patch.
LP: #854841
[ Robert Roth ] add-repository name, LP: #620098
* Updated expand properties to properly expand the bottom component to avoid
putting empty space between components. LP: #912557
* Added symbolic link for add-apt-repository manpage under the
* Changed Revert button mnemonic to avoid collision with Remove, LP: #652523
* Handle URLError from ppa pages, instruct the user to check the internet
connection (LP: #502698)
[ Marc Deslauriers ] ies/ppa. py: use pycurl to download the signing key
* SECURITY UPDATE: incorrect ssl certificate validation (LP: #915210)
- softwarepropert
- tests/test_lp.py: add test.
- debian/control: add python-pycurl dependency.
- CVE-2011-4407
* Wait for PPA GPG key to get imported before ending thread (LP: #888417)
-- Marc Deslauriers <email address hidden> Fri, 03 Feb 2012 08:16:22 -0500