which rebuild both files. Software-center now also works again.
cataloged_times.p contains now text information and values actually looks like a data-base. Not sure what caused the corruptions during upgrade to 10.10, but obviously it happened to others as well.
I found a work-around but am not sure which side-effects this may have. Obvoiusly the following files were corrupted during upgrade to 10.10:
/var/lib/ apt-xapian- index/cataloged _times. p apt-xapian- index/values
cataloged_times.p had just binary data and values looked more like a README file. After I deleted both files, I was able to start
root@montreal: /var/lib/ apt-xapian- index# update- apt-xapian- index -v
which rebuild both files. Software-center now also works again.
cataloged_times.p contains now text information and values actually looks like a data-base. Not sure what caused the corruptions during upgrade to 10.10, but obviously it happened to others as well.