Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/backend/installbackend_impl/", line 964, in _run_transaction
TransactionFailed: Transaction failed: The package is of bad quality
Lintian check results for /tmp/skype-ubuntu_4.0.0.8-1_amd64.deb:
I guess this exception needs to be trapped in some manner?
According to <https:/ /errors. ubuntu. com/bucket/ ?id=%2Fusr% 2Fshare% 2Fsoftware- center% 2Fsoftware- center% 3A%3A_run_ transaction>, the issue here is not unmet dependencies, but rather a python backtrace due to software-center refusing to install a package that fails lintian checks:
Traceback (most recent call last): software- center/ softwarecenter/ backend/ installbackend_ impl/aptd. py", line 964, in _run_transaction defer=True) ubuntu_ 1_amd64. deb:
File "/usr/share/
TransactionFailed: Transaction failed: The package is of bad quality
Lintian check results for /tmp/skype-
I guess this exception needs to be trapped in some manner?