Nov 2 11:52:26 localhost /usr/lib/snapd/snapd[1128]: taskrunner.go:353: DEBUG: Running task 21 on Do: Run configure hook of "pi3" snap if present
Nov 2 11:56:19 localhost /usr/lib/snapd/snapd[1128]: taskrunner.go:353: DEBUG: Running task 24 on Do: Request device serial
there are 4minutes between these two steps ...
trying to watch snap changes takes very long to return anything at that point, eventually it shows "initialize system" ... then on a second run "initialize device", both take minutes to return.
seems the last lines are most interesting here:
Nov 2 11:52:26 localhost /usr/lib/ snapd/snapd[ 1128]: taskrunner.go:353: DEBUG: Running task 21 on Do: Run configure hook of "pi3" snap if present snapd/snapd[ 1128]: taskrunner.go:353: DEBUG: Running task 24 on Do: Request device serial
Nov 2 11:56:19 localhost /usr/lib/
there are 4minutes between these two steps ...
trying to watch snap changes takes very long to return anything at that point, eventually it shows "initialize system" ... then on a second run "initialize device", both take minutes to return.