[ Robert Ancell ]
* Remove .la files generated by autotools (#670)
[ Joe Talbott ]
* Only show chown warnings with --debug. (#739)
* Actually return a non-zero error code on errors. (#745)
[ Sergio Schvezov ]
* make plugin: fix artifact collecting (#743)
* testing: only run the ros demo on xenial (#744)
* New upstream release 2.15.1 (LP: #1614322)
This bug was fixed in the package snapcraft - 2.15.1
snapcraft (2.15.1) xenial; urgency=medium
[ Robert Ancell ]
* Remove .la files generated by autotools (#670)
[ Joe Talbott ]
* Only show chown warnings with --debug. (#739)
* Actually return a non-zero error code on errors. (#745)
[ Sergio Schvezov ]
* make plugin: fix artifact collecting (#743)
* testing: only run the ros demo on xenial (#744)
* New upstream release 2.15.1 (LP: #1614322)
-- Sergio Schvezov <email address hidden> Fri, 19 Aug 2016 13:43:42 -0300