Comment 7 for bug 224061

Revision history for this message
Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote :

I've managed to reproduce this bug using the provided smb.conf.old file in the zip attachment and simulating an upgrade from gutsy to hardy.

If I use the karmic version of ucf, I instead get this message:

  mostrare le differenze tra le versioni

  There are no non-white space differences in the files.

A close inspection of the files shows that this is the diff:

diff -u /var/run/samba/upgrades/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf
--- /var/run/samba/upgrades/smb.conf 2009-08-22 14:17:12.000000000 -0700
+++ /etc/samba/smb.conf 2009-08-22 14:17:12.000000000 -0700
@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@
 ; preexec = /bin/mount /cdrom
 ; postexec = /bin/umount /cdrom

        force user = mauro
        public = yes

So the message is correct, and it appears the bug is fixed.

(The Italian mistranslation is also a bug, but is not the cause of this upgrade failure; I'll file that bug separately with the Debian ucf maintainer.)