One final correction: after re-reading the previous posts, on 2-8-2016 the package qmail-run was cited, and in my post the package dconf-tools should have been qmail-run. To be clear, dconf-tools does not depend on runit and should not have been used as an example but qmail-run does depend on runit and should have been used instead. Qmail-run will install with the workaround.
One final correction: after re-reading the previous posts, on 2-8-2016 the package qmail-run was cited, and in my post the package dconf-tools should have been qmail-run. To be clear, dconf-tools does not depend on runit and should not have been used as an example but qmail-run does depend on runit and should have been used instead. Qmail-run will install with the workaround.