I tried to find licensing information in that github repository but couldn't find it - neither for the new files nor for the existing files.
I also try to find the upstream files, and most matched but not all:
2c64e71455c8bb071f1364d80a9eae12 rtl8723bs_config.bin
2c64e71455c8bb071f1364d80a9eae12 ../../firmware/rtl_bt/rtl8723bs_config.bin
2c64e71455c8bb071f1364d80a9eae12 rtl8723bs_config-pine64.bin
2c64e71455c8bb071f1364d80a9eae12 ../../firmware/rtl_bt/rtl8723bs_config-pine64.bin
2344554fed8337eb1d3e7bc10e9b307f rtl8723cs_xx_config-pinebook.bin
md5sum: ../../firmware/rtl_bt/rtl8723cs_xx_config-pinebook.bin: no such file or directory
d51efca9486c57d08a3b5be408e633b9 rtl8723cs_xx_fw.bin
2ea933dbc46d01d523d80b379fc9969b ../../firmware/rtl_bt/rtl8723cs_xx_fw.bin
I couldn't find rtl_bt/rtl8723cs_xx_config-pinebook.bin and rtl_bt/rtl8723cs_xx_fw.bin has different contents in that repo.
So I'm not sure I'm looking at the right branch that this package was created from; especially the licensing part is critical to confirm.
I tried to find licensing information in that github repository but couldn't find it - neither for the new files nor for the existing files.
I also try to find the upstream files, and most matched but not all: 71f1364d80a9eae 12 rtl8723bs_ config. bin 71f1364d80a9eae 12 ../../firmware/ rtl_bt/ rtl8723bs_ config. bin 71f1364d80a9eae 12 rtl8723bs_ config- pine64. bin 71f1364d80a9eae 12 ../../firmware/ rtl_bt/ rtl8723bs_ config- pine64. bin b1d3e7bc10e9b30 7f rtl8723cs_ xx_config- pinebook. bin rtl_bt/ rtl8723cs_ xx_config- pinebook. bin: no such file or directory 08a3b5be408e633 b9 rtl8723cs_xx_fw.bin 523d80b379fc996 9b ../../firmware/ rtl_bt/ rtl8723cs_ xx_fw.bin
md5sum: ../../firmware/
I couldn't find rtl_bt/ rtl8723cs_ xx_config- pinebook. bin and rtl_bt/ rtl8723cs_ xx_fw.bin has different contents in that repo.
So I'm not sure I'm looking at the right branch that this package was created from; especially the licensing part is critical to confirm.