I was playing with different similar users (system user with nologin)
$ for u in $(grep nologin /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f 1); do echo Trying $u; /tmp/rtkit-0.12/rtkit-daemon --stderr --user-name $u; done
daemon bin sys games man lp mail news uucp proxy www-data backup list irc gnats nobody dnsmasq cups-pk-helper saned pulse geoclue nm-openvpn nm-openconnect Debian-exim radvd sanlock gluster statd tcpdump systemd-coredump
I was playing with different similar users (system user with nologin) 0.12/rtkit- daemon --stderr --user-name $u; done
$ for u in $(grep nologin /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f 1); do echo Trying $u; /tmp/rtkit-
daemon bin sys games man lp mail news uucp proxy www-data backup list irc gnats nobody dnsmasq cups-pk-helper saned pulse geoclue nm-openvpn nm-openconnect Debian-exim radvd sanlock gluster statd tcpdump systemd-coredump
systemd-network systemd-resolve syslog messagebus _apt uuidd avahi-autoipd usbmux kernoops avahi colord libvirt-qemu libvirt-dnsmasq mpd apt-cacher-ng _rpc systemd-timesync rtkit
Now what differentiates those two groups ?