miked - Thanks for adding your crash report to this bug, however it ischallenging to deal with as a ".crash" file. Please follow these instructions to have apport report a new bug about your crash that can be dealt with by the automatic retracer.
If you are using Ubuntu with the Gnome desktop environment - launch nautilus and navigate to your /var/crash directory and double click on the crash report you wish to submit.
If you are using Kubuntu or Xubuntu you can file the crash using /usr/share/apport/apport-qt --crash-file=/var/crash/_my_crash_report.crash in a terminal - where _my_crash_report.crash is the crash you would like to report.
miked - Thanks for adding your crash report to this bug, however it ischallenging to deal with as a ".crash" file. Please follow these instructions to have apport report a new bug about your crash that can be dealt with by the automatic retracer.
If you are using Ubuntu with the Gnome desktop environment - launch nautilus and navigate to your /var/crash directory and double click on the crash report you wish to submit. apport/ apport- qt --crash- file=/var/ crash/_ my_crash_ report. crash in a terminal - where _my_crash_ report. crash is the crash you would like to report.
If you are using Kubuntu or Xubuntu you can file the crash using /usr/share/