I have a error when put my last.fm login and pass. It says "Request Failed: Cannot connect to destination". In the queue, i have a 27 tracks waiting to scroll, but if i run "rhythmbox -D lastfm" says:
(16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [create_handshake_request] rb-lastfm-source.c:1594: logging in (16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [handle_handshake_response] rb-lastfm-source.c:1675: response body: session=d4c925ade00c2a42930431c837a39007 stream_url= subscriber=0 framehack=0.. base_url=ws.audioscrobbler.com base_path=/radio info_message= fingerprint_upload_url=http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/fingerprint/upload.php permit_bootstrap=0 freetrial=0 (16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [handle_handshake_response] rb-lastfm-source.c:1690: session ID: d4c925ade00c2a42930431c837a39007 (16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [handle_handshake_response] rb-lastfm-source.c:1695: stream url: (16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [process_queue] rb-lastfm-source.c:1486: request queue is empty (16:18:38) [0x23c8040] [on_gconf_changed_cb] rb-lastfm-source.c:358: GConf key updated: "/apps/rhythmbox/audioscrobbler/password"
I try to change the credentials many times with the same result.
I have a error when put my last.fm login and pass. It says "Request Failed: Cannot connect to destination". In the queue, i have a 27 tracks waiting to scroll, but if i run "rhythmbox -D lastfm" says:
(16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [create_ handshake_ request] rb-lastfm- source. c:1594: logging in handshake_ response] rb-lastfm- source. c:1675: response body: session= d4c925ade00c2a4 2930431c837a390 07 195.24. 233.49: 80/last. mp3?Session= d4c925ade00c2a4 2930431c837a390 07 ws.audioscrobbl er.com upload_ url=http:// ws.audioscrobbl er.com/ fingerprint/ upload. php handshake_ response] rb-lastfm- source. c:1690: session ID: d4c925ade00c2a4 2930431c837a390 07 handshake_ response] rb-lastfm- source. c:1695: stream url: http:// 195.24. 233.49: 80/last. mp3?Session= d4c925ade00c2a4 2930431c837a390 07 source. c:1486: request queue is empty changed_ cb] rb-lastfm- source. c:358: GConf key updated: "/apps/ rhythmbox/ audioscrobbler/ password"
(16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [handle_
(16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [handle_
(16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [handle_
(16:18:33) [0x23c8040] [process_queue] rb-lastfm-
(16:18:38) [0x23c8040] [on_gconf_
I try to change the credentials many times with the same result.