I've been working on an update for gtk-redshift to be able to provide more information to the user. That has meant that I've had to rewrite most of the process management code and for that reason I'm not sure how this discussion applies any more. If you want to take a look the code is here: https://github.com/jonls/redshift/tree/interactive-gui . A sigterm handler is installed and it seems to take care of shutting down the child process properly. However, even with a SIGKILL the child process seems to be shut down seemingly contrary to what David said in #4.
I've been working on an update for gtk-redshift to be able to provide more information to the user. That has meant that I've had to rewrite most of the process management code and for that reason I'm not sure how this discussion applies any more. If you want to take a look the code is here: https:/ /github. com/jonls/ redshift/ tree/interactiv e-gui . A sigterm handler is installed and it seems to take care of shutting down the child process properly. However, even with a SIGKILL the child process seems to be shut down seemingly contrary to what David said in #4.