Now, we've not yet tested the new redhat-cluster package in debian, which might indeed fix the FTBFS. However, AFAIK, the new redhat-cluster package in Debian has changes than involve the use of dependencies that in Ubuntu are currently in Universe and not main, and if we do merge it now, it will FTBFS.
The MIRs are going to be filed soon to include these cluster related packages into Main. Once this is done, we'll deal with RHCS.
As part of the blueprint https:/ /blueprints. launchpad. net/ubuntu/ +spec/server- maverick- clusterstack we deal with the merge/sync of cluster related packages, which include redhat-cluster.
Now, we've not yet tested the new redhat-cluster package in debian, which might indeed fix the FTBFS. However, AFAIK, the new redhat-cluster package in Debian has changes than involve the use of dependencies that in Ubuntu are currently in Universe and not main, and if we do merge it now, it will FTBFS.
The MIRs are going to be filed soon to include these cluster related packages into Main. Once this is done, we'll deal with RHCS.
Thank you.