- Flashed my mako with r248 (using "ubuntu-device-flash touch ubuntu-system --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu").
- Unlocked the phone and had in a ssh terminal "powerd-cli display on"
- did "sudo gdb -p $(pidof unity8)" in another ssh terminal and resumed unity8 with "cont"
- Run "phablet-test-run -v ubuntu_keyboard.tests.test_keyboard.UbuntuKeyboardTestsAccess" in another terminal, 4 times in a row.
Didn't get any crash.
Therefore I consider this bug as indeed fixed.
dobey, if you're still getting similar crashes please file a new bug with the exact steps and preconditions to reproduce the issue. It's likely a different, but similar, bug.
- Flashed my mako with r248 (using "ubuntu- device- flash touch ubuntu-system --channel ubuntu- touch/rc- proposed/ ubuntu" ). keyboard. tests.test_ keyboard. UbuntuKeyboardT estsAccess" in another terminal, 4 times in a row.
- Unlocked the phone and had in a ssh terminal "powerd-cli display on"
- did "sudo gdb -p $(pidof unity8)" in another ssh terminal and resumed unity8 with "cont"
- Run "phablet-test-run -v ubuntu_
Didn't get any crash.
Therefore I consider this bug as indeed fixed.
dobey, if you're still getting similar crashes please file a new bug with the exact steps and preconditions to reproduce the issue. It's likely a different, but similar, bug.