Javier, you just don't have any other scopes favourited, if I'm seeing correctly?
You can click on the [^] button at the bottom to display all the installed scopes. You'll see at the top that you only have Today as a favourite.
To list your favourite scopes from a terminal: $ gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Dash favorite-scopes
And to reset it: $ gsettings reset com.canonical.Unity.Dash favorite-scopes
Hope this helps.
Javier, you just don't have any other scopes favourited, if I'm seeing correctly?
You can click on the [^] button at the bottom to display all the installed scopes. You'll see at the top that you only have Today as a favourite.
To list your favourite scopes from a terminal: Unity.Dash favorite-scopes
$ gsettings get com.canonical.
And to reset it: Unity.Dash favorite-scopes
$ gsettings reset com.canonical.
Hope this helps.