Same stuff with qtiplot (Precise, i386). I attempted to choose directory in project save dialog.
FIXME: handle dialog start.
QSpiAccessible::accessibleEvent not handled: "8008" obj: QObject(0x0) " invalid interface!"
Interface is not valid
ASSERT failure in : "Got an update for an invalid inteface. Investigate this.", file atspiadaptor.cpp, line 899
Aborted (core dumped)
Same stuff with qtiplot (Precise, i386). I attempted to choose directory in project save dialog.
FIXME: handle dialog start. :accessibleEven t not handled: "8008" obj: QObject(0x0) " invalid interface!"
Interface is not valid
ASSERT failure in : "Got an update for an invalid inteface. Investigate this.", file atspiadaptor.cpp, line 899
Aborted (core dumped)