Comment 5 for bug 1810346

Revision history for this message
roussel geoffrey (roussel-geoffrey) wrote : Re: VLC interface not displayed correctly

Hi, I think it's the same bug, i got a laptop with a second screen plugged, optimus laptop, nvidia-drivers-390, on the integrated laptop screen, vlc works just fine, but as soon as i drag the vlc window to the second screen GUI elements gets extra zoomed, and unusable ( but i can see some parts of GUI buttons reacting to mouse-over events for exemple). If i drag n drop a video file to the vlc window while on second screen the vlc window gets extra large and still displays extra zoomed GUI elements. note that if i drag the window back the laptop screen it's back to normal.

I tried to use QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 and QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.5 but no change.

"cvlc" can play the videos normally on second screen (started from a terminal).

(stock Ubuntu 18.04)
(note on the screenshots: it's running fluxbox window manager, first screen ends at the right of the bottom bar and system infos displays - then on the right the second screen)