I can change ide to virtio, but if I change it to scsi it either hangs during boot (Ubuntu 18 host) or complains "machine type does not support if=scsi,bus=0,unit=0" (Ubuntu 20 host).
For any drive type, you start it running, let it sit there at a boot prompt, and watch the size of test.qcow2. The bad behavior is that it grows into the 30-40 GB range.
On a Ubuntu 18 host, I see the bad behavior for drive types ide and virtio. scsi seems to be OK.
On an Ubuntu 20 host, I only see the bad behavior for drive type ide. virtio and scsi seem OK.
I've come up with a more minimal test that doesn't require the whole GNS3 infrastructure.
1. Create a one-line 'meta-data' file:
{instance-id: ubuntu, local-hostname: ubuntu}
2. Create the following 'user-data' file:
#cloud-config text_passwd: foobar
hostname: ubuntu
config: disabled
resize_rootfs: noblock
- name: ubuntu
lock_passwd: false
shell: /bin/bash
3. Build a CIDATA image acceptable to cloud-init:
genisoimage -input-charset utf-8 -o cloudinit.iso -l -relaxed-filenames -V cidata -graft-points meta-data user-data
4. With a copy of Ubuntu's cloudimg in the current directory, create a 1 TB thin provisioned disk:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b ubuntu- 20.04-server- cloudimg- amd64.img test.qcow2 1T
5. Start qemu with a VNC server on whatever port you'd like (you must be in group kvm):
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cdrom cloudinit.iso -drive file=test. qcow2,if= ide,media= disk,discard= on -m 4G -vnc -net none
I can change ide to virtio, but if I change it to scsi it either hangs during boot (Ubuntu 18 host) or complains "machine type does not support if=scsi, bus=0,unit= 0" (Ubuntu 20 host).
I can do the following to get scsi:
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -cdrom cloudinit.iso -device virtio- scsi-pci, id=scsi -drive file=test. qcow2,id= root-img, if=none, discard= on -device scsi-hd, drive=root- img -m 4G -vnc -net none
For any drive type, you start it running, let it sit there at a boot prompt, and watch the size of test.qcow2. The bad behavior is that it grows into the 30-40 GB range.
On a Ubuntu 18 host, I see the bad behavior for drive types ide and virtio. scsi seems to be OK.
On an Ubuntu 20 host, I only see the bad behavior for drive type ide. virtio and scsi seem OK.