------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2019-07-12 03:44 EDT-------
For disco we could either do backports or simply add 3 more patches to make all patches apply cleanly:
The following does apply with git-cherry-pick on top of the disco git that also has all
include: update Linux headers to 4.21-rc1/5.0-rc1
(cherry picked from commit da054c646c777bcb487326f46cd5bf9932b05128)
in eoan
linux-headers: add linux/mman.h.
(cherry picked from commit 8cf108c5d159bccfa162a06e6abc35cfa4965781)
in eoan
linux headers: update against Linux 5.2-rc1
(cherry picked from commit d9cb4336159a00bd0d9c81b93f02874ef3626057)
in eoan
linux-user: fix __NR_semtimedop undeclared error
(cherry picked from commit 86e636951ddce2bb3a82fcaad5abc3779ba4f7ab)
s390x/cpumodel: mepochptff: warn when no mepoch and re-align group init
(cherry picked from commit ddf5d18af3ce3029d5b93222af5a9e8160d4c34b)
s390x/cpumodel: add z14 GA2 model
(cherry picked from commit f2a7d1577115bda770d619ff5bc45db1f656edc3)
in eoan
s390x/cpumodel: Miscellaneous-Instruction-Extensions Facility 3
(cherry picked from commit 2ec038836fa03103596023e4a1ad7e6eb50ee7c7)
in eoan
s390x/cpumodel: msa9 facility
(cherry picked from commit 5dacbe23d23c7f0395fa0e65ff1698f632846714)
in eoan
s390x/cpumodel: vector enhancements
(cherry picked from commit 54d65de0b525272edfa66eb75c3f67b183f8aff4)
in eoan
s390x/cpumodel: enhanced sort facility
(cherry picked from commit d220fabf16091ca5c26f3313541bdfb7435d6a08)
in eoan
s390x/cpumodel: add Deflate-conversion facility
(cherry picked from commit afc7b8666b62fe72fdbad7ab0c3f206d4c57c1d1)
in eoan
s390x/cpumodel: add gen15 defintions
(cherry picked from commit caef62430fed6e732d3e43d76752d165cf02ad67)
in eoan
s390x/cpumodel: wire up 8561 and 8562 as gen15 machines
(cherry picked from commit c657e84faee48d6ab36665da5a008b8f0649593d)
in eoan
(fixup) d05be57d s390: cpumodel: fix description for the new vector facility
I test build this and it seems to work fine.
Do you want to cherry-pick yourself or do you want to have my patches?
------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2019-07-12 03:44 EDT-------
For disco we could either do backports or simply add 3 more patches to make all patches apply cleanly:
The following does apply with git-cherry-pick on top of the disco git that also has all
NEW: b487326f46cd5bf 9932b05128)
include: update Linux headers to 4.21-rc1/5.0-rc1
(cherry picked from commit da054c646c777bc
in eoan fa162a06e6abc35 cfa4965781)
linux-headers: add linux/mman.h.
(cherry picked from commit 8cf108c5d159bcc
in eoan d0d9c81b93f0287 4ef3626057)
linux headers: update against Linux 5.2-rc1
(cherry picked from commit d9cb4336159a00b
in eoan b3a82fcaad5abc3 779ba4f7ab)
linux-user: fix __NR_semtimedop undeclared error
(cherry picked from commit 86e636951ddce2b
NEW 9d5b93222af5a9e 8160d4c34b)
s390x/cpumodel: mepochptff: warn when no mepoch and re-align group init
(cherry picked from commit ddf5d18af3ce302
NEW 770d619ff5bc45d b1f656edc3)
s390x/cpumodel: add z14 GA2 model
(cherry picked from commit f2a7d1577115bda
in eoan Instruction- Extensions Facility 3 3596023e4a1ad7e 6eb50ee7c7)
s390x/cpumodel: Miscellaneous-
(cherry picked from commit 2ec038836fa0310
in eoan 395fa0e65ff1698 f632846714)
s390x/cpumodel: msa9 facility
(cherry picked from commit 5dacbe23d23c7f0
in eoan edfa66eb75c3f67 b183f8aff4)
s390x/cpumodel: vector enhancements
(cherry picked from commit 54d65de0b525272
in eoan 5c26f3313541bdf b7435d6a08)
s390x/cpumodel: enhanced sort facility
(cherry picked from commit d220fabf16091ca
in eoan 2fdbad7ab0c3f20 6d4c57c1d1)
s390x/cpumodel: add Deflate-conversion facility
(cherry picked from commit afc7b8666b62fe7
in eoan 32d3e43d76752d1 65cf02ad67)
s390x/cpumodel: add gen15 defintions
(cherry picked from commit caef62430fed6e7
in eoan ab36665da5a008b 8f0649593d)
s390x/cpumodel: wire up 8561 and 8562 as gen15 machines
(cherry picked from commit c657e84faee48d6
in eoan
(fixup) d05be57d s390: cpumodel: fix description for the new vector facility
I test build this and it seems to work fine.
Do you want to cherry-pick yourself or do you want to have my patches?
Will look into bionic next.