The PPA was built against -proposed so I had to enable that to install all libs.
That done the 19.0.0~rc6-1ubuntu0.1 with the set affinity change reverted works quite nicely.
It would be great to get that into Ubuntu 19.04 until the involved upstreams agreed how to proceed with it and we can then sort out what to do in which package. Which after all might be after cutoff and in 19.10 then.
Thanks Timo, let me know if you need another verification on this at any point to drive it into 19.04.
The PPA was built against -proposed so I had to enable that to install all libs. rc6-1ubuntu0. 1 with the set affinity change reverted works quite nicely.
That done the 19.0.0~
It would be great to get that into Ubuntu 19.04 until the involved upstreams agreed how to proceed with it and we can then sort out what to do in which package. Which after all might be after cutoff and in 19.10 then.
Thanks Timo, let me know if you need another verification on this at any point to drive it into 19.04.