I test with b66e10e4c9ae738412b9742db49457f6b703e349 before. I test with 14c7d99333e4a474c65bdae6f99aa8837e8078e6 today and no hang. But I had to revert 4fb8320a2efb2216c7ddcc929ad0362f4e285681 which causes segfault.
I test with b66e10e4c9ae738 412b9742db49457 f6b703e349 before. 4c65bdae6f99aa8 837e8078e6 today and no hang. 6c7ddcc929ad036 2f4e285681 which causes segfault.
I test with 14c7d99333e4a47
But I had to revert 4fb8320a2efb221