so with the above command it will crash with 256 or 512.
but with a minimal build ( rootstock --fqdn beagleboard --login ubuntu --password temppwd --imagesize 2G --dist lucid --script --serial ttyS2 --kernel-image ) 256 works, and 512 crashes.
so with the above command it will crash with 256 or 512.
but with a minimal build ( rootstock --fqdn beagleboard --login ubuntu --password temppwd --imagesize 2G --dist lucid --script --serial ttyS2 --kernel-image http:// rcn-ee. net/deb/ kernel/ beagle/ lucid/v2. 6.32.7- l7.1/linux- image-2. 6.32.7- l7.1_1. 0lucid_ armel.deb ) 256 works, and 512 crashes.