$ uname -srvm
Linux 2.6.38-12-generic #1~ppa2~natty1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 1 22:41:06 UTC 2011 x86_64
The history of this from my perspective is I first encountered issues with the libvirt virsh command getting stuck or not being able to reboot VM guests successfully. I chased the issue down to the bug in this ticket only to see it slipped QA testing. I went back and repeated all the tests myself to be certain. Now it's time for me to open a new bug report to petition for an SRU.
32-bit 2-CPU RHEL-5 compatible VM guest boots successfully on Natty with the patch which I installed into a kernel in this PPA: /launchpad. net/~nutznboltz /+archive/ kvm-clock- fix-for- 2.6.38- on-lucid
$ uname -srvm natty1- Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 1 22:41:06 UTC 2011 x86_64
Linux 2.6.38-12-generic #1~ppa2~
The history of this from my perspective is I first encountered issues with the libvirt virsh command getting stuck or not being able to reboot VM guests successfully. I chased the issue down to the bug in this ticket only to see it slipped QA testing. I went back and repeated all the tests myself to be certain. Now it's time for me to open a new bug report to petition for an SRU.