Oh, I see what's wrong in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/100297867/ProcMaps.txt: It does seem to actually import all the modules into a non-private namespace. With that it loads e. g. gobject/glib/gtk several times, once through all the static bindings (pygtk), and once again through the GI bindings. That's impossible I'm afraid, and will lead to random crashes. That's not something that really can be fixed in these individual libraries. So either pydoc stops importing the modules and executing stuff in them, or this is a case of "don't do that then".
Oh, I see what's wrong in https:/ /launchpadlibra rian.net/ 100297867/ ProcMaps. txt: It does seem to actually import all the modules into a non-private namespace. With that it loads e. g. gobject/glib/gtk several times, once through all the static bindings (pygtk), and once again through the GI bindings. That's impossible I'm afraid, and will lead to random crashes. That's not something that really can be fixed in these individual libraries. So either pydoc stops importing the modules and executing stuff in them, or this is a case of "don't do that then".