But what I describe above is not enough. Because netaddr module use index files, generated from oui.txt and iab.txt
So you need also to update those index files otherwise the mac vendor look up will be broken.
So I created symlinks in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/netaddr/eui for oui.idx and iab.idx towards /var/lib/ieee-data/oui.idx and /var/lib/ieee-data/iab.idx respectivelly.
Then used that python script to regenerate the index files
But what I describe above is not enough. Because netaddr module use index files, generated from oui.txt and iab.txt
So you need also to update those index files otherwise the mac vendor look up will be broken.
So I created symlinks in /usr/lib/ python2. 7/dist- packages/ netaddr/ eui for oui.idx and iab.idx towards /var/lib/ ieee-data/ oui.idx and /var/lib/ ieee-data/ iab.idx respectivelly.
Then used that python script to regenerate the index files
from netaddr.eui import ieee r('oui. idx') rser('oui. txt')
ouiidx = ieee.FileIndexe
oui = ieee.OUIIndexPa
iabidx = ieee.FileIndexe r('iab. idx') rser('iab. txt')
iab = ieee.IABIndexPa
I don't know how you could manage this at the package level ? But this is really needed