Comment 6 for bug 1866625

Revision history for this message
Wolf Pichler (w-pichler) wrote : Re: [Bug 1866625] Re: OverflowError: With Python 3 Gtk.ListStore only accepts 32 Bit Integers.

It should indeed be done like this:

 import gi
 gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
 from gi.repository import Gtk

 from gi.repository import GObject

 mystore = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_UINT64)
 mystore.insert_with_valuesv(-1, [1], [GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_UINT64, 1330400507426)])


I was completely unaware of that possibility because the source of my GTK knowlege is

When checking out the available types one ends up here:

Which does not ring any bell ...

So I did it like in

where the Python types are used.


With the knowlege I gained through this FR it was possible to find this:

GObject Built-in Type Constants
The Built-in Type constants specify the pre-defined types used by gobject.

which is quite useful.



On 11.03.20 17:56, Christoph Reiter wrote:
> import gi
> gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
> from gi.repository import Gtk
> This works in Python 2:
> mystore = Gtk.ListStore(long)
> mystore.insert_with_valuesv(-1, [1], [long(1330400507426)])
> This does not work in Python 3:
> mystore = Gtk.ListStore(int)
> mystore.insert_with_valuesv(-1, [1], [int(1330400507426)])