Comment 4 for bug 782860

Revision history for this message
Colin Guthrie (launchpad-colin) wrote :

As I've suggested a gazillion times, the fact that the ROAP module is loaded when the package is installed is NOT what I intended as the upstream author and maintainer of this code. Please remove it, I'm sick an tired of supporting users coming to upstream channels because of downstream modifications. The ROAP module is not perfect code and it WILL prevent any Mac or Windows machines using the RAOP device when the module is loaded. It does not behave well and is not a good citizen. If you wish to make the module loaded by default then ensure you employ someone to work on the code to improve it before you do so.

The module can and should be loaded via paprefs. This gives the user the choice. I believe you also need to update paprefs for the new PA 1.0 you shipped as I've heard user reports that it's currently broken.

If you wish for the module to be turned on by default when the package is installed then change the gconf schema, do not hack the

It was only added to because some users who were not aware of the consequences suggested it. Do not act on the suggestions of users without researching the problem and asking the upstream people. We do things for a reason, please respect this.