* New upstream bugfix release
* debian/:
. {libpulse0,pulseaudio}.shlibs:
. shlibs{,_pulseaudio}.local:
. rules: Update for new release
* debian
+ pulseaudio.dirs:
. patches/0006-a11y-special-case-disable.patch:
. pulse-session: Use a system-wide flag to assist in fixing
alsactl store race.
* debian/patches/:
- 0060-backport-c194d.patch: Drop, subsumed by new release
+ 0053-fix-sigsegv-module-bluetooth-device.patch: Don't strcmp
uninitialized memory (LP: #437293)
+ 0055-backport-alsa-bt-position-fixes-b3592a1.patch: Apply the
following changesets from origin/master HEAD for fixes:
+ 0091-dont-load-cork-music-on-phone.patch: Disable for Karmic;
it's confusing users (LP: #437638)
* Previous uploads resolved Launchpad bug reports:
- LP: #434003 (crashed with SIGILL in pa_smoother_translate() )
- LP: #437638 (cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate)
-- Daniel T Chen <email address hidden> Tue, 06 Oct 2009 18:40:38 -0400
This bug was fixed in the package pulseaudio - 1:0.9.19-0ubuntu1
pulseaudio (1:0.9.19-0ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* New upstream bugfix release pulseaudio} .shlibs: ,_pulseaudio} .local: 0006-a11y- special- case-disable. patch: c194d.patch: Drop, subsumed by new release sigsegv- module- bluetooth- device. patch: Don't strcmp alsa-bt- position- fixes-b3592a1. patch: Apply the 48147c7648e1f1a 72cc2c747f3d0c9 b, 025845f75cbc74a 9f830ad2dec8a41 5, 7a7e59b351358c8 cdd79ef465ddbd4 9, f0d2a28605048a8 1c0261bf7c45acb b load-cork- music-on- phone.patch: Disable for Karmic; translate( ) )
* debian/:
. {libpulse0,
. shlibs{
. rules: Update for new release
* debian
+ pulseaudio.dirs:
. patches/
. pulse-session: Use a system-wide flag to assist in fixing
alsactl store race.
* debian/patches/:
- 0060-backport-
+ 0053-fix-
uninitialized memory (LP: #437293)
+ 0055-backport-
following changesets from origin/master HEAD for fixes:
+ 0091-dont-
it's confusing users (LP: #437638)
* Previous uploads resolved Launchpad bug reports:
- LP: #434003 (crashed with SIGILL in pa_smoother_
- LP: #437638 (cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate)
-- Daniel T Chen <email address hidden> Tue, 06 Oct 2009 18:40:38 -0400