* debian/patches/0006-load-module-x11-bell.patch:
- remove that old distro patch, it's undocumented, not needed since
GNOME handles the login sound by itself and create issues in some
cases (duplicate sound, not respecting the UI choice)
(lp: #1827842)
[ Hui Wang ]
* d/p/0800-stream-restore-Don-t-restore-if-the-active_port-is-P.patch:
- Don't restore the streams to sinks/sources with only unavailable ports
(LP: #1834138)
This bug was fixed in the package pulseaudio - 1:12.2-2ubuntu3.1
pulseaudio (1:12.2-2ubuntu3.1) disco; urgency=medium
* debian/ patches/ 0006-load- module- x11-bell. patch:
- remove that old distro patch, it's undocumented, not needed since
GNOME handles the login sound by itself and create issues in some
cases (duplicate sound, not respecting the UI choice)
(lp: #1827842)
[ Hui Wang ] stream- restore- Don-t-restore- if-the- active_ port-is- P.patch:
* d/p/0800-
- Don't restore the streams to sinks/sources with only unavailable ports
(LP: #1834138)
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Fri, 28 Jun 2019 11:45:10 +0200